Saturday, December 15, 2012

Congratz Abng Taleeb ^^"~

Assalamu\'alaikum pink Pictures, Images and Photos

Hello :) I'm proudly to announce that this guy won Anugerah Nova Media Baru 2012 #APM2012
^^"~ His name is Abdul Muttaleeb :D
Really excited and really proud of him. I'm not that close to him but as a person yang selalu je bertweet and tegur dy di online ni, serious bangge sgt2. :D
Dia sgt2 ber-talent ok? Pndai lukis, nynyi, flutist, berfutsal and etc etc. SEE ? really talented ! hahaa.
If u watched APM 2012, u must heard the background song when he went up to the stage to take the trophy. yeah, the song called Sudah cukup sudah but that song was covered by him :)
Check it out yall ~
tapi tapi ~ dy dh berpunye lah ea. Sorry girls ~ Dy milik Kak Neyda yg comel hah :DD

P/s: I hope u'll never stop singing and achieve ur goal to be an Architect :DD And and especially make ur mom proud of u abng :D 

I'm writting with my own style~thanks for reading :)

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers